“Oil Painting Workshop” with Phil Starke

  • 12 Nov 2012
  • 9:00 AM (CST)
  • 13 Nov 2012
  • 4:00 PM (CST)
  • Topeka Art Guild and Gallery, 5331 SW 22nd Place, Topeka, KS 66614


  • Lunch is on your own
  • Lunch is on your own.

    Includes membership to Topeka Art Guild

Registration is closed

Phil Starke began to show an interest in art from the time he lived in Germany as a young boy while his father was in the military.  He studied at the American Academy of Art in Chicago.  Inspired by the instructors at the Academy, Starke changed course from his aim at the advertising world and developed a passion for oil painting. 

It was upon graduation from the American Academy of Art that he decided to plunge into the profession of fine art.

From the Midwest, West and Southwest, Phil has continued to be inspired.  Each season and each region has its own color palette and unique landscape.  From landscape to figures, and plein-air to studio painting Phil continues to find inspiration in his work. Visit his website www.philstarke.com      

Choosing to share this passion and inspire others, Phil also teaches workshops, helping others develop their own individual talent.

Please click here for required workshop supply list.
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